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Christian Charette, 2024 Candidate

Christian Charette is a 21-year-old public library employee, entrepreneur, and part-time college student from Livonia, Michigan.  He has been a part of the Livonia community for over fifteen years, and as a K-12 student, attended Livonia Public Schools.  After enduring a once in a century pandemic (and subsequent lockdowns), Christian received his diploma from Winston Churchill High School in 2021.  He is currently enrolled at Schoolcraft College... read more



Parental Rights

School Safety

A parent's ability to direct the education, healthcare, and upbringing of their child is a fundamental right... not a privilege bestowed by the government. Christian supports policies that reinforce parental authority and will fight against legislation designed to place a wedge between parents and their children.
Ensuring the safety of every student should be a top priority. It is unconscionable that Lansing has invested more time and resources to enhance security measures in our Capitol, but not our schools. Christian strongly supports efforts to increase funding for school resource officers, comprehensive mental health support for students, and a standard framework for building fortifications designed to keep would-be attackers outside the classroom.

Taxation and Credits

School Choice

In a time when inflation and a heightened cost of living are still commonplace, every dollar counts. Christian pledges to implement common-sense tax reforms and credit expansions, ensuring Michigan residents are able to save more of their paychecks and can invest in their families.
When it comes to choosing the best educational outcomes for your child, one size may not always fit all. Christian pledges to expand school-choice programs throughout the state, defend homeschool families from Lansing's attacks, and ensure the promise of diverse educational opportunities for all.

Paid Family Leave

Fiscal Responsibility

When it comes to growing your family, your experience should be fulfilling, not a financial burden. Christian will work with Michigan's business community to design a customizable framework for paid family leave for non-government employees.
Transparent budgeting practices and responsible fiscal management are essential for sustainable governance. When it comes to funding our schools, our approach should be no different. Christian supports policies that prioritize fiscal prudence, require regular audits, and implement robust accountability measures aimed at ensuring the efficient allocation of taxpayer dollars.



Putting Michigan First


Prioritizing local interests and economic stability within our communities is essential in ensuring our State becomes financially independent, remains innovative, and continues on the path towards self-reliance. Lansing’s commitment to outsource jobs is untenable long-term, and prevents Michigan from utilizing its unique strengths and competitive advantages. Christian will relentlessly fight for Michigan’s future, ensuring the People of this State are the primary beneficiaries of business-related policies.
Strengthening FOIA by expanding its scope and reach to all levels of government ensures transparency and accountability. This expansion will aid in uncovering inefficiencies early on, prevent corruption, and ensure that public officials act in the interests of the people they serve. Christian proposes reducing unnecessary or questionable exemptions, and mandating earlier response times to make requests more accessible to citizens and journalists.

Licensing and Regulation

Local Land Control

Streamlining licensing and regulation can boost economic growth; removing barriers that hinder the establishment and expansion of small businesses. While some regulations are necessary to ensure public safety and quality standards, many current licensing requirements are subjective and overly restrictive, serving as nothing more than revenue for State agencies. Christian proposes reforms that not only encourage more innovation and competition, but also make it possible for a wider range of people (including those in underserved communities) to participate in and benefit from Michigan’s success.
Local land control allows communities to shape their development, ensuring that important changes align with the unique needs and values of residents. Christian supports policies that prioritize citizen input, and empower local governments with greater authority over land use and zoning decisions, fostering a more democratic and responsible planning process, & deterring bad actors from exploiting our resources.

Right to Work

Campaign Finance

Every worker has the fundamental right to the freedom of assembly and association. The ability to decide whether to join or support a union without fear of force or retaliation is an essential element of that freedom. By taking a dualistic approach, that is, upholding voluntary union membership alongside strong protections for collective bargaining, we are able to foster an environment where workers are free to make choices that best suit their individual needs & the needs of their families. Christian vehemently opposes Lansing’s attempt to pin worker against worker, and pledges to implement policies that recognize the vital contributions unions make, and the essential freedoms that make them possible.
Reforming state campaign finance laws ensure free and fair elections. In 2022, voters overwhelmingly voted in favor of critical changes, mandating personal finance disclosures and instituting term limits for legislative offices. Christian pledges to implement policies that close loopholes in reporting requirements, limit out-of-state funding in local races, and impose steep penalties on office holders who break the law.




Endorsement Policy:

As a candidate committed to promoting public trust in policy positions rather than affiliations, Christian has chosen to accept limited endorsements this election cycle.

P.O. BOX 851058, WESTLAND MI 48185
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